This is a different kind of book for me. It's personal in a very deep human way. You see, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer.
At first, I felt hopelessness and self-pity. Then I went to work on it.
In four months, I was cancer-free with no medical treatment.
So, this book is about what I discovered about getting healthy, specifically to prevent disease, and generally to live a healthy, powerful life.
DUDE HEALTH is for you if:
1. You want to optimize your body, mind, and spirit.
2. You want to feel healthy and powerful, and experience all the positive benefits
that come with such positive states of being.
3. You want to live a lifestyle that supports the prevention of prostate cancer.
4. You have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and want to collaborate with your medical team, using complementary methods and ideas of which they approve.
5. You are a cancer survivor.
Following is a deeper dive on these five points ...
1. Optimizing your body, mind, and spirit happens through habit, through living your life day after day following certain ideas and guidelines. This book is a collection of such ideas and guidelines.
2. Being healthy, powerful, and energetic is supported by healthy and powerful guidance. You’ll sense a certain energy and vibrancy in both the language of this book and its message that resonate with the inner process of healing.
3. For those who have not been diagnosed, and never want to be: It appears that many of the ideas that support healing and the cure for cancer are also ideas that support the prevention of cancer. Besides this enlightening thought, there is also the revelation that the ideas in this book can bring anyone to a whole new positive experience of life. It turns out that cancer and the quest to support healing is showing us the path to our optimal way of living in general.
4. For those who have been diagnosed: Perhaps one consolation for us when we are diagnosed with cancer is that we are not alone. There are so many people living with the disease in today’s world. And so many of these people are supporting their cure by getting involved in their own inner healing process. And on that note, this book begins with a new definition of cancer that supports healing. The chapter, A New Definition of Cancer, explain the definition and how it disempowers the term, ‘cancer’… and supports the healing journey.
5. Those of us who have survived cancer are very motivated and focused on staying cancer-free.
This often results in searching for ways to achieve our optimal health and well-being.
This book provides a comprehensive collection of various ideas and methods to do just that.
Dude, if you have never been diagnosed with prostate cancer,
take it from me, it's not something you want to happen in your life.
If you have, you know the importance of getting good solid info on what to do. There's a lot of good info out there, and I suggest you do your research, buy some books, talk with people, etc.
Either way, DUDE HEALTH is about my dedication to your cause.
So, feel free to email me if you have any thoughts, questions, etc.
Here is the link for the book …